Nothing to say

2 Apr

Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to say. Do you ever feel like that? I mean, of course there are a lot of things to talk about all the time but do you ever feel like you don’t have anything real to say? Nothing of consequence to talk about? So then its easy to talk about nothing at all but really…what’s the point of that? Who wants to be a person who talks about nothing? To be known not for what you say but what you don’t.

You are told all the time as a kid (At least, I was!) that if you don’t have anything nice to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all. But what about when you have nothing real to say? What then?

I want to be someone who has a voice. A real voice. Someone who, when they speak, people listen to because what I have to say is important. I’m not talking about necessarily changing the entire face of the world but I do believe that we all, in small ways, change the world everyday. I think its small things that make the most difference. So, then, I think the time’s come for me to stop talking about nothing and to start talking about something. Things that are real and things that mean something. I want each day to count. Each time I open my mouth.

So, if I have nothing to say, I’ve realized that it’s ok. Sometimes its ok to think instead of talking. To find something that means something and save my words for those things.

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